About Us
Owner / CEO: Tim Cook
Artist: Juliana Phung
Office Manager: Silvia Cuellar
Production: Juliana Phung
Graphic Designer: Niels From
Production: Kelsey Adams
We started the business in 1980 in the basement of a town house in Annapolis Maryland. Our focus at the time was silk screening and boat lettering, yes, that’s right, hand painted boat names. The founder, John Prehn, had a steady hand, and the demand for his talents in the sailing capital of the world was high. Being as the basement was pretty small, we moved our shop out of the house and into a friend’s garage in the Maritime Republic of Eastport.
We spent a few years in Eastport providing Annapolis with many many boat names and putting up store fronts in the Historic District. Our reputation brought us lots of new clients so we continued to grow. After a couple of years working in a garage with no heat, we were finally ready to make the big move into a real warehouse on West Street. We set up shop at 1806 Virginia Street in 1985. After about five years of getting by in 900 square feet, we moved again, but this time it wasn’t far. We opened up shop at 1805 D Virginia Street in 1990. We stayed there until our recent acquisition of a warehouse condo on Renard Court near the Annapols Mall.
During that time, our business expanded, and continued to grow, as John Prehn became known as the definitive graphic designer for Annapolis. When technology changed, John hung up his paint brushes in favor of things like a vinyl plotter, sandblaster, and business management, while the company continued to take on more clients. We began developing serious relationships with educational institutions in our area including the U.S. Naval Academy. The educational institutions continue to shape our style of business to this day.
Today our company enjoys a niche of classic and old technology production while offering a far more diverse product line than any of our competitors. Our care and expertise has been recognized nationwide by the public and private sector. From the country’s largest defense contractors to the average carpenter with a pickup truck, we have never found a replacement for great service, a keen eye, good value, and attention to detail.